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How Will the AI-Vistara Merger Impact 600 Employees?

How Will the AI-Vistara Merger Impact 600 Employees?

Air India and Vistara are set to undergo a significant merger that could potentially affect around 600 non-flying staff members, according to a recent report by Financial Express.

The merger, aimed at streamlining operations under the Tata Group’s ownership, will see the implementation of a Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) to address redundant positions.


Despite the looming job cuts among non-flying staff, the report highlights that all flying crew members will retain their employment, reflecting Air India‘s anticipation of substantial operational growth post-merger. Efforts are underway to mitigate job losses by offering alternative roles within the Air India group and other Tata companies.

Tata Group, which owns both Air India and Vistara, is committed to minimizing the impact on employees by providing upskilling opportunities and facilitating internal transfers. The merger process, expected to conclude by late September or early October, involves a thorough fitment exercise.


This evaluation assesses the roles and responsibilities of employees from both airlines based on factors such as experience, performance, and organizational needs. The process aims to ensure fairness and transparency in determining the workforce’s future within the integrated entity.

As the airline group transitions towards a more technology-driven organization, considerations include aligning roles with evolving operational strategies. Additionally, the merger will extend health benefits and other support measures to affected employees, aiming to ease the transition and support their career continuity.


While the exact number of impacted staff will become clearer post-merger, the implementation of the VSS is expected to begin by mid-month pending board deliberations.

Throughout this period of transition, Tata Group remains committed to navigating the merger with sensitivity towards its workforce, fostering a sustainable and integrated future for Air India and Vistara under unified leadership.


Dawal is a skilled aviation content writer with eight years of experience in the Aerospace industry. He specializes in aerospace Engineering & Management, and website development.

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