Japan Airlines unveiled the lithium-ion battery-powered ground power unit, known as the “eGPU,” at Matsuyama Airport. This marks JAL’s inaugural utilization of this innovative technology aimed...
In a groundbreaking development poised to revolutionize urban transportation, EHang, a leading vehicle manufacturer, has secured the first-ever production certificate in China for self-flying taxis. Dubbed...
In a groundbreaking move, NASA is gearing up to embark on a mission unlike any before: planting trees on the moon. This ambitious endeavor marks a...
The Quarterhorse Mk 1 aircraft, which will launch later this year, has been unveiled by Hermeus, the company operationalizing hypersonic aircraft. In under seven months, the...
A historic agreement was reached between PAL-V and Dubai-based Aviterra to introduce the Liberty flying car to the Middle East and Africa. Aviterra is investing, forming...
Lufthansa Technik AG and Boeing Business Jets (BBJ) have released the complete specifications of their latest VVIP cabin concept for the BBJ 777-9 in advance of...
Starting May 1, 2024, Etihad Airways will be offering daily flights from Abu Dhabi to the lively capital of Kenya. This route not only provides travelers...