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Man Flies from UK to New York Without Passport or Boarding Pass

British Airways Unveils Exclusive Status Match for US and Canadian Travelers

A forty-six-year-old man took a transatlantic journey from the United Kingdom to New York without a boarding pass or passport, demonstrating a worrying breach in security.

Alarming gaps in airport security protocols were exposed by the extraordinary event that occurred on December 23, 2018, at Terminal 5 of Heathrow Airport. The individual, it is said, took advantage of several mistakes to go past security checks surprisingly quickly.


There have been reports from sun, that he “tailgated” his way through security gates for boarding passes by stealthily trailing behind another traveler. He managed to get through passport control and board the airline without being seen, which is astounding.

The man took advantage of a seat that became available on the plane because someone else had to miss their journey and settled in, appearing to fit in with other passengers. But the daring of his mission was not discovered until the plane landed at JFK Airport in New York.


The individual was detained by US Customs and Border Protection agents upon arrival, revealing his unauthorized presence on the aircraft. He was brought back to Britain after that, and on Christmas Day, he was detained on suspicion of fraud and violating airport security regulations.

This episode has highlighted serious procedure gaps at Heathrow Airport, despite claims that standard security screenings were in place. Even though the flight in question was allegedly completely filled, cabin personnel was unaware of the man’s existence on board until he made an attempt to enter the United States. “We are assisting the authorities with their investigation,” stated British Airways.


Dawal is a skilled aviation content writer with eight years of experience in the Aerospace industry. He specializes in aerospace Engineering & Management, and website development.


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