After years of dormancy, the iconic Manston Airport in Kent is on the verge of a remarkable resurrection, as plans unfold to bring back its operational...
In the realm of air travel, meeting the diverse needs of passengers is a paramount consideration. For followers of the Islamic faith, maintaining daily prayers, regardless...
In a bold move aimed at enhancing customer service and expanding revenue streams, Southwest Airlines has announced plans to introduce red-eye flights, providing overnight travel options...
The safety and reliability of air travel are paramount concerns for both passengers and industry stakeholders. Despite rigorous safety protocols and advancements in technology, aviation accidents...
Travellers aboard a Qantas flight from Melbourne to Perth on Monday found themselves in a tense situation when an unexpected event occurred midair. Passengers reported hearing...
Japan’s Kansai International Airport was hailed as a marvel of engineering three decades ago, boasting the title of the world’s most unique airport. Situated on artificial...
After a prolonged hiatus, the iconic Airbus A380 is poised to once again grace the skies on the route between Dubai and Riyadh, marking Emirates’ triumphant...
Two women, Angel Harding and her friend, have raised concerns after being asked to leave a flight operated by Air New Zealand due to their size....
A recent incident involving a Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) air hostess has drawn attention after she flew to Canada without her passport, resulting in a fine...
A British Airways passenger on a long-haul flight to China was left stunned when he reportedly caught the pilot indulging in a rather inappropriate activity during...