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Farting Passenger Reportedly Causes American Airlines flight return to gate

In a recent incident on an American Airlines flight from Phoenix, Arizona, to Austin, Texas, a disruptive passenger reportedly caused a delay after loudly passing gas.

The incident was shared in a viral Reddit post, According to the post, the passenger, described as “audibly disgruntled” and possibly hungover, made a scene by announcing, “You thought that was rude? Well, how about this smell,” before audibly farting.


While the author found the situation somewhat entertaining, they also deemed it uncalled for, especially on an airplane. farting passenger american airlines The post mentioned that the man’s comment was met with smiles and headshakes from fellow passengers, including the person seated next to the author. Following the disruptive act, the flatulent passenger suggested that everyone on the plane should simultaneously eat the smelliest food possible.

A female flight attendant then approached the passenger and informed him that he would not be allowed to stay on the flight. Despite expressing confusion about his removal, he complied and exited the plane with his bag.


The Reddit user noted a collective sigh of relief from passengers, uncovered windows acknowledging that many were on edge about what the disruptive individual might say or do next. The flight was reportedly delayed by 15-30 minutes, but the Reddit user commended American Airlines for handling the situation swiftly.

The incident unsurprisingly sparked a wave of gas-related jokes and comments on Reddit. One user humorously suggested that the disruptive passenger may have thought another flight was low on gas, while another joked about the missed opportunity to exit with a farewell fart and the declaration, “SMELL YOU LATER!”


Dawal is a skilled aviation content writer with eight years of experience in the Aerospace industry. He specializes in aerospace Engineering & Management, and website development.


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